How My Therapy Works

Understanding You

Building a Path

Regular Sessions


Understanding You
It involves an in-depth assessment that will be a part of your first two sessions. You will be asked about your health and family history, any diagnoses, any past treatments and medications, and what you would like to achieve by the last session.
Building a Path
The therapist will formulate a path or a care plan that can be used to reach your goals. The care plan is provided to you and is revised as needed with you.
Regular Sessions
Weekly or every other week, the therapist will meet with you and gather an update, review what has gone well, and identify key pieces that build steps toward your goals.
Once the initial therapy goals have been achieved, you may wish to work on something else discovered in the process or begin to end services.
The therapist and you will set up a farewell session, review your goals, and reinforce your strengths and what you have gained from therapy. Some overarching patterns and insights will be discussed to provide you with a platform to feel confident that you can maintain what you have achieved.