
Core Beliefs and Values

About Being Therapy

  • 1Whole Person: At Being Therapy, we strive to build care around the whole person. We believe you are in the best position to know yourself and listen to you to guide the course treatment.
  • 2Quality Services: Your experience of care is important to us. As a psychologist in Ontario, we work hard to give you the best options from the first call to the end of your journey.
  • 3Welcoming: Each of us has a unique set of circumstances that impact how well we are. We embrace your diversity and care for anyone looking for services that we provide.
Your Experience

Is My Work


Difficulty with managing feelings of worry and experiencing racing thoughts are classic symptoms of anxiety. You many be feeling overwhelmed at times with little warning.  Sometimes you know exactly which situations make you feel wound-up and unable to think and problem solve. Your communication and interactions with others change and you could be feeling a racing heart and the sweats, muscle aches and an inability to rest. Anxiety disorder is quite common and treatable. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)  and some education on the biological response to anxiety can help you better cope and treat anxiety long term.

Private Anxiety Therapy & Depression Counselling Health Care Services Ontario | Being Therapy
Private Anxiety Therapy & Depression Counselling Health Care Services Ontario | Being Therapy

Symptoms of depression can vary and usually affect one’s ability to function. A reduced capacity to care for oneself, changes in sleeping and eating patterns and in how you think and feel about the world can all be influenced by depression.  You can end up feeling a sense of loss or numbness, inability to cope with minor changes and note changes in your self-image and self-esteem. Usually people in your life can see a change in your demeanor or attitude.  Many times, medical professionals will prescribe medications and side-effects can need management. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), System Navigation Support and Medication Review services available with us can help you take better care of yourself.


When things seem to pile on and we have no way to release the associated stress, we can become overburdened and start to loose our ability to manage things. When stress outpaces what we can cope with, we can end up in crisis and not understand how we got there. This can result in an ability to sleep, change our interpersonal relationships,  influence the use of substances or even result in a “checking-out” pattern. Solution Focused Therapy or Care Giver Stress Support with us can help uncover what is causing stress and provide guidance on what you can do to prevent a crisis.

Private Anxiety Therapy & Depression Counselling Health Care Services Ontario | Being Therapy
Private Anxiety Therapy & Depression Counselling Health Care Services Ontario | Being Therapy

When we loose something or someone that was very important to our lives, we feel a sense of loss and can grieve. Sometimes, we loose a job, a friend, an opportunity, a marriage, or a loved one. All loss can result in grief. We can experience sadness, anger, guilt and even relief, all at the same time. It can be confusing and interfere with how we approach situations and routines. Supportive Counselling for life transitions or Grief Counselling with us can help.

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Private Anxiety Therapy & Depression Counselling Health Care Services Ontario | Being Therapy
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Mental Health Ontario
Men Speaking About Their Mental Health | Being Therapy

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