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Self-Love What better way to celebrate February, the month of love, than to think about how we show ourselves self-love?  Kristin Neff talks about self-compassion as containing 3 main elements (1) Kindness (2) Common Humanity (3) Mindfulness. With these 3 components, you are better able to comfort yourself, better able to frame your situation within the reality it exists and…

Mental Health Ontario

Men Speaking About Their Mental Health | Being Therapy

Men get sad too. It’s true. Yet, we don’t hear a lot about men’s mental health in mainstream media. Anyone who identifies as male, can fall prey to societal messages that they need to be stoic, hide away their emotions and appear solidly able to weather any storm. This has deep impacts on how men seek out help. Typically, clinicians…

Private Anxiety Therapy & Depression Counselling Health Care Services Ontario | Being Therapy

What is Anxiety?

Many patients ask me, “What is anxiety?”. They live it. They feel it. But what it actually is can’t always be articulated. If you’re wondering the same thing, this post may help. Our bodies are complex. The mind and the nervous system interact with the rest of us constantly, even when we are sleeping. Without a balanced nervous system, functioning…